Blues & BBQ
A Night in New Orleans held June 22, 2019

Guests, including DJ and Haoua Mangue from Grocery Outlet were greeted by the La Habra Princesses

Check in was done by Kim Praster and Carrie Surich

Event Committee Chairs were Amy Perez, Vice President, Carmen Miller, Executive Director and Carrie Surich, President

Kyle Miller, Field Rep for Senator Bob Archuletta introduced our special guests

Senator Archuleta presented the MOW Board with a Certificate of Appreciation.Pictured starting from the left is Amy Perez-VP, Pam McVicar-Treasurer,Carmen Miller-E.D, Carrie Surich-Pres., James Gomez-Trustee,Terry Kennedy-Past Pres.,Senator Bob Archuleta and Maria Martinez-Trustee

Senator Archuleta also presented a Certificate of Appreciation to our hosts, Rafael & Esther Fernandez. This is the third year that the Fernandez family has opened up their home for the Meals on Wheels fundraiser.

Mayor James Gomez, Ray Fernandez, Senator Archuleta and Mayor Brian Bergman, La Habra Heights

Former Mayors of La Habra Heights front row Stan Carroll, Claire Spothelfer, Jean Lietzau, Carol Englehardt, Kyle Miller, back row- Layne Baroldi, Michael Higgins & Brian Bergman

In addition to our Live and Silent Auction we had great raffle items including a 50" HD TV.

Beautiful and precocious Reagon Fernandez helped draw and call out the winning numbers.

Tish McAllis at the open bar serving beer, wine and hurricanes.

Our French Quarter Selfie Station with Paul and Claire Spothelfer

Beautiful ladies from La Habra including Josie Anderson who came down
from Prescott, Arizona!

Carmen and Maria with the beautiful La Habra Princesses

The soulful sounds of the Chris Anderson Group. They were amazing and a big hit!

A good time was had by all!

Thanks to our hard working staff! Jose Escobar, Alex Arias, Kristen Hazama and Jack Miller